Friday, September 19, 2008

IBM Server in Top 10, Apache 40% popular than Microsoft IIS

IBM Http server is among top 10 when analyzing statistics of web servers' uptime in Mon.itor.Us monitoring data. It's based on over 10 million daily checks over 70K http test performed by monitoring servers from 3 geographic locations.

The three criteria for evaluating considered:

Popularity - number of http tests set for websites per server;
Uptime - average percentage of OKs for the http checks per server
Response time - average page load time of websites per server

is the most popular still, with 33,902 tests being set in Mon.itor.Us network followed by Microsoft-IIS, which in August showed 40% lower popularity.

GFE and IBM Server are seen in the two performance graphs.

Websites hosted on AkamaiGHost servers show the quickest average response but only 4 sites are monitored, gws has 50 sites, Rapidsite 28. IBM server has 184 sites in Mon.itor.Us monitoring data.

AOL server closes the list of servers showing ~99.5% uptime from the websites monitored on Free Website and Server monitoring service.

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