Recently we have been searching many different blogs to find what information concerning website monitoring. After searching through sites like Technorati, MyBlogLog, BlogCatalog, Google blog search and other search engines we have come up pretty blank. However, we did manage to find a few blogs that talk about the importance of website monitoring and related services. If anyone has or finds any good blogs be sure to let us know!
This blog is dedicated to topics related to website monitoring. The most recent post talks about the importance of monitoring frequently. You want to find a site which monitors more then once every 60 minutes since downtimes can be for shorter periods of time. Web companies normally state there servers are up 99% to 99.9% which doesn't sound like allot but the difference between the two is 80 hours per year. In total this means that you website is down for around 4 days a year.
This blog has a lot of good info on all aspects of promoting websites and ways to improve businesses. There was a good post about the importance of site rankings. You want your site to rank high but you can't just wait for traffic to come. In an ever changing environment you need to track your own site versus your competitor's. Web owners will compete for the highest ranking but luckily this isn't a problem since there are many tools available to see how you are doing.
Technical News This blog is mainly about technical news and business reports but there is a posting about the importance of protecting yourself from hackers. You really need to make sure that your website isn't down from hackers, especially during buying seasons. You can start a 14 day trial version at Atwatch Advanced Website Monitoring Today! They can help you thru the tough financial times and can defend you from hackers and much more.
This is a web hosting blog but has several postings concerning monitoring. In a recent post Aliax gives 5 reasons why you want to use website monitoring. For instance you don't want to hear customers complain; you can't trust hosting companies all the time, you want your website available around the world, your company could expand too quickly and you need to keep up with changes, and you want to be known as a reputable and trustworthy business. There are also postings which talk about web load stress testing and web monitoring reality. Check it out.
This blog is hosted by Scott Leslie who is an educational technology researcher and emerging technology analyst. His blog has info on things like e-learning, social learning, learning design, etc. One of his posts talks about the importance of web monitoring. He was having some problems with his server but he didn't want to buy any software. Scott came across montastic and has been using it ever since. He believes it's easy to use and ideal for any average instructor or blogger and recommends it to others.
Within 6 months there had been over 100 posts and reviews talking about different aspects of website monitoring and accessibility issues. In almost all of them Mon.itor.Us was mentioned as a default. Here we want to summarize the most interesting ones talking of website performance testing and monitoring tools.
Of three websites to monitor websites we found Mon.itor.Us to be the most powerful service. Not only do they give automated email alerts, but they also provide tools to enable reporting of site response times, outages, as well as resource utilization and tracking of site visitors. If you experience frequent server problems, or if you manage a business-critical website, you should definitely monitor your website.
Looking for a company which provides free performance monitoring, availability monitoring, traffic monitoring, etc? Look no further, Mon.itor.Us monitors 24/7 and helps users quickly identify faults and deficiencies to ensure continuous operations and allows the ultimate web experience. Mon.itor.Us is currently monitoring over 134,000 web sites right now and I'm sure there will be more in the future.
Now you can monitor you website very easily with Mon.itor.Us. Mon.itor.Us is a free online service which provides tools to enable monitoring and reporting of site response times and tracking of site visitors. You customize automated alerts and check the performance of the website and view the effects for changes to the website performance and track the reports very easily.
Among 5 free sites for minimizing downtime, I liked Mon.itor.Us which enables monitoring and reporting of site response time. All you need is a web browser and an internet connection. The use of software as a service (SaaS) provides significant cost and simplicity benefits over traditional software models.
Among the top ten monitoring service providers, we found Mon.itor.Us to be in the top 4. Website monitoring is important for site owners so they can know how there website is performing so they don't lose visitors. If your server is having a problem then you will be alerted via e-mail or text messages. Sign up for a couple of services to ensure the best performance of your site.
Of 5 good monitoring tools for your server, I found Mon.itor.Us to be my favorite. It has more tools and is completely free. will provide you the best performance monitoring, availability monitoring, traffic monitoring, etc.
Mon.itor.Us may have a silly name but it offers free and amazing monitoring tools for your website. From an easy to use Ajax powered dashboard, you can check server performance and availability generate uptime reports, track visitors and other system resources which are important. Mon.itor.Us is currently monitoring over 134,000 web sites right now, and I am sure there will be many more to come in the future.
Out of 30 different websites and tools we thought Mon.itor.Us to one of the best services for website monitoring. Mon.itor.Us monitors HTTP/HTTPS, POP3, IMAP, FTP, TCP/IP and more. We all know you can't monitor your website 24/7, so it's important to know how your website is doing all the time. Without website monitoring your website can go down for several days or hours and this can damage your reputation, make you lose visitors and more importantly revenue. Fortunately this is a free service which checks your website from time to time and will notify you if there is a problem.
Why purchase a monitoring software service at a high cost when you can monitor you website for free. Since so many people have there own blogs and websites its important to know when your site is down or having a problem. Mon.itor.Us may have a cute name but this doesn't mean it's limited. It's free and provides e-mail alerts and gives basic reports for uptime and response time. The user interface may look simplistic but the service delivers a more complex service than most.
I have been very pleased with Mon.itor.Us and am amazed it's free. I've been working with servers for 8 to 9 years now so it's great that Mon.itor.Us notifies me when servers go haywire on us. doesn't just monitor websites but the server as a whole (via IP.) I highly recommend this service to every webmaster whether large or small.
Of 15 tools to help develop faster web pages we found Mon.itor.Us to be one of the best. Mon.itor.Us is free and provides you with tools to monitor performance, availability and traffic statistics. These are all important when creating and maintaining a web application so you're in tip-top shape.
Of several free site analytics tools we found to be one of the best tools. One of its unique features not seem in other commercial services was that they can research web traffic correlations with uptime and performance all in one place. Mon.itor.Us provides tools for performance research, web analytics and business intelligence. Mon.itor.Us also generates uptime reports, tracks visitors, and alerts its users in case of abnormalities.
I have been investigating several websites for monitoring and found the best of all of them at Mon.itor.Us. Mon.itor.Us is free and has all the features you need like charts, graphs, internal monitoring, benchmarking and many more. They will send you alerts when there are problems and give you a weekly report concerning your site. This is definitely something that you should have.
There are several server status notification tools on the web these days and the latest I found was Mon.itor.Us. While this server primarily helps you track you service status it also can track visitors effectively. The interface and map is beautiful and you can track on the basis of countries, IPs, cities, OS, Browsers and keywords. Other nice features include the Widget option so you can create embeddable widgets to track your server performance and Snapshot which helps you track all your server status performance. Even with some minor annoyances Mon.itor.Us is still a wonderful tool for webmasters.
My site went down but luckily I was informed thru Mon.itor.Us of the problem. It was down for about a hour a couple weeks ago because my host's database server had problems I've been told. Luckily I didn't need to have to wait for someone to e-mail since I've been using this free service Mon.itor.Us which informs me when I have problems.
Watch how it work free website monitoring with Mon.itor.Us
Analyzing new trends inMon.itor.Us data confirm old traditions of Apache servers being twice popular (See also 69%Apache, 26% IIS) and providing higher uptime then Micorsoft IIS. lighttpd shows the quickest response time and Mongrel test statistics show highest uptime. (See the chart below. 10 top popular servers listed using Mon.itor.Us monitoring statistics).
Mon.itor.Us, Free Uptime Monitoring, using power of data monitoring 140,661 websitespublishes the 20 most popular registrars. Those having 200+ registered domains monitored on Mon.itor.Us network.